Therefore, we are particularly pleased that there are already regular meetings between the employee representatives from Austria, Germany and Hungary. These countries are working to establish a European Communication Group in accordance with the Austrian Labor Constitution Act (ArbVG) and the European Works Constitution.
So we are proud to announce the foundation of the European Communication Group during a meeting in Budapest on 16.10.2023.
Harald Ganster represented Prinzhorn Holding as Chairman of the Board, Mr. Josef Glatzl, works council from Pitten, was elected first chairman of the European Communication Group and Mrs. Petra Manz, works council from Mosburger Vienna, was appointed vice-chairman.
The European Communication Group is dedicated to communication between the Prinzhorn Group and its employees on matters of European importance. We aim to improve internal communication, strengthen the Prinzhorn Group's competitive position, increase customer satisfaction and secure and expand jobs.
Establishment of the European Communication Group of Employee Representatives